Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I feel like I took a sabbatical from life. No. Seriously.

I up and left my life as I had come to know it. I had spent almost 14 months in another state, in a relationship, with a new career. I left.

The area did not make me happy as I once thought it had or would. My [almost one year relationship] crumbled before my eyes and in a similar fashion as to my previous marriage. Disaster. My new career left much to be desired. [And questions to be answered.]

I needed to do some soul searching. Who was I and where was I going. Did I want the same things that I had wanted before. Did this experience change me forever.

I knew the answer to the last statement. I was changed forever. I will always be the person I was when I left for my new adventure but I will also always be different. I will never again be that same exact person I was before. Sounds like a contradiction, I know.

There are only a few things I know for sure:

I know who I am and I am happy with that person. [I am still learning and growing but in a direction that I am happy with.]

I cannot imagine myself being anything but a police officer. [Even if it consumes me.]

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