Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's a bird, It's a Plane.

There is nothing quite like landing in Columbus, Ohio. The rush of excitement and the smile that I notice has crept upon my face. I love this city.

When we first moved here (way back in 1994.) I would not call Columbus home. No sir. Kissimmee, Florida, that was home and I went back home every summer. It wasn't until suddenly, I returned to Ohio from Florida and while in the airport I looked at my Mom and said, "It's good to be home." She was probably shocked, I know I was. Ever since, calling Ohio home has been natural and right.

I landed in Columbus, Ohio Sunday, late at night. I could not help but smile. Just seeing the city lights from the runway were enough to make my stomach flutter. Since recently moving to Virginia I have had a wonderful time in the "Northern South". I have met amazing people, ate some fantastic food and seen some very lovely sights. I have also started the path to my much anticipated career. But I know part of me will always love this state and more so, this city. Yeah, a lot of people cannot drive but I have learned that is true just about everywhere, perhaps it is a different kind of craptastic driving but it is the Buckeye way.

Oh and speaking of Buckeyes. (and not just the candies.) The football! I miss watching an OSU game in this city. This is my first season (that I'm not in college and living elsewhere) not living in Columbus and watching my boys. It's a little bittersweet for me, I am making such great strides in my career and Virginia is the place for me but boy do I miss my fall seasons in Ohio.

I have family still in the city so I will be back, this isn't the last Columbus will see of Heather but it remains a melancholy event, coming back.

But as for my residence and where I belong, Ohio is my past and Virginia is most definitely my bright, shiny future.

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