Friday, October 17, 2008

Because Everyone Dies

1. Never take this life for granted. Literally, it could be gone tomorrow or hours from now or minutes. (You get the idea.)

2. Good people get hurt and no it's not fair.

3. Do what you want to do today. (See number 1.)

4. Take care of yourself. Your health is everything.

5. Be careful who you trust at work. Some people can take the most innocent statement and turn it against you.

6. Have a will.

7. Always tell your loved ones how you feel. If you need to say something don't wait and don't assume they know.

8. Don't put things off. You know that friend you haven't spoken to in forever but you say you'll pick up the phone tomorrow, or next week, or when things slow down? DON'T. That time may not be there. (See number 1... again.)

9. Try to stay positive. Having a negative outlook on life isn't really LIVING... is it?

10. Don't be so busy that you lose who you are. Get on the floor and play with your kids, have that romantic dinner with your husband, meet a friend for coffee, read a book, whatever it is that you want to do but you don't think you have time for, make time for it.(I thought of more...)

11. You know that book "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff"? They have a good point. Trivial things don't matter when you really get down to it. We have men and women dying overseas, dying in our streets here in America and seemingly healthy people dying for unknown health reasons.

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