Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Okay, seriously.  What happened to my blog.  It's been 10 years since I posted.  Okay, not really.  But several months and that is ridiculous.

So, a lot has happened since August.  In a nutshell: My sister and her family moved to San Fransisco, part of my heart died.  They just came for a visit, my heart sang.  I'm still dating Matt - yay! We moved into my sister's house and are renting it for a year!  We put new, laminate hardwood floors in - it looks wonderful.  I pulled off a surprise party for my Mom's birthday, I hosted Easter dinner, interviewed for the Sheriff's Department, went on a family vacation, learned to crochet, painted my first painting as an adult, started a craft business with my Mom and got a few new tattoos.  You know, the usual stuff.  :)

Life is good.  I plan to dive further into my creative realm - paint, crochet, make wreaths and jewelry, and write a book.  Yes, a book - an entire book.  Oh, and get a few more tattoos.

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