Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Starting My New Life In Virginia. With World Market.


The chicken.

I have wanted these for about a year!

Pretty and simple pitcher.

The big white mugs.

One of each please!

Now I just need to win the lottery.

Starting My New Life In Virginia. With Target.

Soap Dish.

Hooks and Soap Dispenser.

Tissue box and Toothbrush holder

Trash can for my bathroom.

One of these shower curtains with the above accessories.

Cute glassware.

I don't know which of these I would like better in my future living room.

Vases. Too cute!

Cute magazine rack.

I like these tables to match the armoire.

I like the look of an armoire.

I like this style for my living room.

Cute mixing bowls for my new mixer!

I have been wanting one of these for a long time!

Cute mug set I like.

Cute yet simple silverware.

The new dinnerware I have my eye on.

The bed frame I want.

The nightstand I want.

This is the new comforter I want.

I wish I was rich.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Officer Down.

Thursday night, we lost a hero in blue. Detective Phillips was murdered during an undercover operation.

Friday morning, I turned on the news and the first bit I heard was the death of Detective Phillips. His name was not released just that he was a Virginia Beach detective and was conducting an undercover drug operation.

Bobby texted me with his name and a few details.

Today, Bobby texted me photos of the funeral today via a live internet feed. They broke my heart.

After arriving home I turned on the news and Detective Phillips' funeral was being covered. His family, fellow officers and officers from other jurisdictions were all in attendence and the tears were freely flowing; not only from those there but from me, sitting on the couch, wishing I was attending.

Pray for Detective Phillips' family. Virginia Beach, Virginia and the United States has lost a brother in blue.

You can read more information at: http://www.odmp.org/officer/19503-detective-michael-smith-phillips

Detective Phillips may you rest in peace.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Free Giveaway!

A fellow blogger (Out of the Pink Sky) is having a free giveaway! The pendant is beautiful! Sign up by August 13th and you could be the lucky owner of this unique pendant!

Go to: http://www.outofthepinksky.net/cellar_door/

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


You know, I have never had a problem sleeping until lately. I do not know what the problem is but I am really missing my much needed beauty sleep. I do not believe I have ever tossed and turned as much as I have the past few months and today I woke up around 4:30 am and just could not get back to sleep. I decided I would "Nest" for a bit and here it is 2 hours later. I can hear my sister in law downstairs getting ready for work and I think I will go down and grab a cup of coffee, which means I will be abandoning any hope of getting back to sleep.

Life is fantastic, other than no sleep and no job. Not having a job is stressing me out which could be why I am not having a wonderful time sleeping. Makes sense, right? I interviewed for a forensic technician position with the police department (after failing the physical agility three times for the police officer position, that damn run got me every time!) Even though I went through college stating emphatically that I did not want to be a crime scene technician I was actually very excited about this position and really hoping that I would be hired on. This position was going to give me a chance to get my foot in the door with the department and best of all get me experience and a paycheck. I have been working free of charge for the police department since February 4th. True, most of that was for my college internship but I went above and beyond the needed hours for my internship and continue to volunteer to this day. (although our server is down and therefore I have not been there for a few weeks due to that fact.)

So the interview/oral board went extremely well and I have never felt more confident leaving an interview. I was thanked by the Sergeant for my commitment to the field and was told that commitment was "inspiring". I went from the oral board straight to a two hour test and I thought I nailed that as well. I was told that I would be contacted if I was to move forward in the process. Well guess what? My interview was July 10th and I have not heard anything.

My Dad believes that no one should have even been looked at other than me because of my commitment to the department and although I do not go that far, I do feel a little betrayed. A co-worker of mine (through the internship) also applied and interviewed for the position. She has no experience (which I have limited experience but hands on nonetheless) and an associates in criminal justice. I have a Bachelors of Science in Forensics with a concentration in crime scene investigation. Rumor has it (as of this week) that she was called in for another interview and you guess it, I have not heard jack.

Now, I heard from an extremely reliable source that I was up against three women with Masters degrees, so right there I was not banking on landing this job but last week, when I was told about my co-worker getting another interview I was shocked AND hurt. It seems as though a good ol' boy system has been employed and that just plain pisses me off. But what can I do? Wallow? No. I have applied to every law enforcement agency in Hampton Roads as well as the State Police. We will see what happens and I am re-testing for the physical agility probably this month. There is an academy coming up in October so I really need to gear up to get through the process. I have been running my tail off and I have lost a few pounds but most importantly I have quit smoking, it has been about 2 months now and I think that will really help me shed those 2 seconds that I need to pass the test. That's right, I failed the run by TWO seconds. Tell me how pissed I was.

Well, I think I am due for that cup of coffee.

Good morning to all.