Tuesday, August 5, 2008


You know, I have never had a problem sleeping until lately. I do not know what the problem is but I am really missing my much needed beauty sleep. I do not believe I have ever tossed and turned as much as I have the past few months and today I woke up around 4:30 am and just could not get back to sleep. I decided I would "Nest" for a bit and here it is 2 hours later. I can hear my sister in law downstairs getting ready for work and I think I will go down and grab a cup of coffee, which means I will be abandoning any hope of getting back to sleep.

Life is fantastic, other than no sleep and no job. Not having a job is stressing me out which could be why I am not having a wonderful time sleeping. Makes sense, right? I interviewed for a forensic technician position with the police department (after failing the physical agility three times for the police officer position, that damn run got me every time!) Even though I went through college stating emphatically that I did not want to be a crime scene technician I was actually very excited about this position and really hoping that I would be hired on. This position was going to give me a chance to get my foot in the door with the department and best of all get me experience and a paycheck. I have been working free of charge for the police department since February 4th. True, most of that was for my college internship but I went above and beyond the needed hours for my internship and continue to volunteer to this day. (although our server is down and therefore I have not been there for a few weeks due to that fact.)

So the interview/oral board went extremely well and I have never felt more confident leaving an interview. I was thanked by the Sergeant for my commitment to the field and was told that commitment was "inspiring". I went from the oral board straight to a two hour test and I thought I nailed that as well. I was told that I would be contacted if I was to move forward in the process. Well guess what? My interview was July 10th and I have not heard anything.

My Dad believes that no one should have even been looked at other than me because of my commitment to the department and although I do not go that far, I do feel a little betrayed. A co-worker of mine (through the internship) also applied and interviewed for the position. She has no experience (which I have limited experience but hands on nonetheless) and an associates in criminal justice. I have a Bachelors of Science in Forensics with a concentration in crime scene investigation. Rumor has it (as of this week) that she was called in for another interview and you guess it, I have not heard jack.

Now, I heard from an extremely reliable source that I was up against three women with Masters degrees, so right there I was not banking on landing this job but last week, when I was told about my co-worker getting another interview I was shocked AND hurt. It seems as though a good ol' boy system has been employed and that just plain pisses me off. But what can I do? Wallow? No. I have applied to every law enforcement agency in Hampton Roads as well as the State Police. We will see what happens and I am re-testing for the physical agility probably this month. There is an academy coming up in October so I really need to gear up to get through the process. I have been running my tail off and I have lost a few pounds but most importantly I have quit smoking, it has been about 2 months now and I think that will really help me shed those 2 seconds that I need to pass the test. That's right, I failed the run by TWO seconds. Tell me how pissed I was.

Well, I think I am due for that cup of coffee.

Good morning to all.

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